A one-day hike to the sights nearby Zalaszántó, the castle of Rezi, the castle of Tátika, the Béke Sztúpa (Stupa of Peace) and the Kotsy water mill.
A one-day hike to Vászoly, Pécsely, Mencshely and Dörgicse, including stops at splendid church ruins, the castle of Zádor and the Halom Mountain.
A light hike to the Saint George Mountain and a visit to the iconic Basalt Organs, a Greek Orthodox Hermitage and the castle of Szigliget.
A one-day hike to the eastern part of the Káli Basin and a visit to the Fekete Mountain, the Hegyestű, the Kornyi Lake and beautiful Káli Basin villages.
A one-day hike including the buttes surrounding the Káli Basin, the mountains of Csobánc, Kopasz and Tóti as well as visits to Káptalantóti and Salföld.
Four hours caving tour in the Miracle Berry Cave and a falf day hike on the edge of the Keszthelyi Mountains to the tiny village, Nemesvita.